Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Gavin's Day!

Our sweet Gavin turned 4! This little guy lights up our home with his smile, funny jokes, and bouncing energy that is endless! I'm so glad that we celebrated his Birthday on Saturday (which was the day before his actual birthday) because we were all sick on Sunday! We had a fun family day and spent a lot of time at the park and going on walks. He requested a McDonald's happy meal for his birthday dinner so that's what he got! We ended the day snuggled up on the couch watching Peter Pan (which was one of his gifts) for the first time. When we were tucking Gavin in bed that night I asked him what his favorite part of the day was and he said, "All of it!". Such an angel. :)

He loves his new bike! He wanted to ride it all day. We even let him ride it around inside the house since it was his special day! He thought that was pretty cool.

On sunday Gavin wanted to watch Peter Pan again. So they built a Lost Boys Fort in the front room and watched it from there. :)

Oh Gavin, you are too much for words! You are so loved. Happy Birthday!

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